Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Here we are in my ideal home. It's a modern house near the centre of the city. It's very big. It's got 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a huge kitchen and living room, too. There's also a big garden with some animals for the forests. In the living room, there's a jacuzzi in front of the TV and there's a sofa too. In my garden there's also an awing with some chairs and a table to look quietly and having fun looking at what the animals do.

On an ideal evening in my ideal home, we're all watching the animals very quietly and having fun looking at what they do. My mum isn't watching the animals right now. She's reading a book, and my father is feeding the animals. My brother an I are excited.

My favorite room is my room. It's got a lot of posters of my favorite group of music and there's on TV too. I've also got a huge wardrobe that has my favorite clothes and shoes. I like it because there's absolute silence and I listen to music louder and louder and nobody is going to hear me because my walls are made of cork so nobody can hear me.

Clàudia Guilana

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